& Rates
This page highlights typical costs associated with equine bodywork but please feel free to contact Heather for exact quote.
Travel fee may apply at Practitioner's discretion for distances greater than 30 miles.
Note: You should always consult with your Veterinarian prior to scheduling any type of therapy for your horse.
Equine Bodywork Services | Arkansas

Custom Body Work Session | $95
A full body massage paired with a variety of modalities and techniques alleviate muscle tension, pain, stress, fatigue, and increase mobility. Red light therapy, acupressure, myofascial release, craniosacral therapy, and proprioception therapy may all be utilized during a session in addition to fascia scraping in preparation for BEMER use. Helps us identify problem areas and pain points among many other benefits. 1 hr. to 1 hr 15 min.

Equine Massage
Session | $85
Head to hoof equine massage encompassing muscle therapy techniques and myofascial release.
Gentle pressure is applied as Heather massages your horse, stimulating multiple, beneficial, healing processes within the horse's body, and identifies any problem areas for discussion along the way.
Typically one hour long.

BEMER Multi-Horse Events | $27 per horse
BEMER therapy sessions for 7+ horse events or organize fellow barn-mates at your barn or location of choice.
Use BEMER therapy, a Veterinary recommended, FDA Class II medical device, with a unique patented pulse-wave that is scientifically proven to go to work immediately through reducing inflammation with microcirculation. Helps clear out old, toxic cellular waste, and regenerate new health cells!

Saddle Fit Consult | $45-$60
Will evaluate up to 6 western saddles in a session and help you learn what to look for using techniques taught be industry experts.
Use Heather's saddles to help narrow down "tree type" (optional). Saddle fit is a major factor in horse discomfort and "behavior" in work. Poor saddle fit causes pain, can lead to lameness, long-term injury, rider injury, and can even have irreversible effects.

Equine IR Thermography
Can be beneficial in determining areas of pain and inflammation, assists with saddle fitting, and helps track horse's progression and changes within the body.
Thermal images can show us laminitis, preclinical conditions, abscesses, tumors, abnormalities, and helps us identify mystery lameness or issues before they present themselves in a clinical way. Scan prices vary, starting at $35 per image (single area) and come with consultation and full reporting.

Single BEMER Session
$30 to $50 depending on distance traveled, number of horses, and length of each session. See also BEMER with custom bodywork session above.
Use BEMER therapy, an FDA Class II medical device, with a unique patented wave that is scientifically proven to go to work immediately through reducing inflammation with microcirculation. Helps clear out old, toxic cellular waste, and regenerate new health cells!
Drug-free pain relief!

Focused Wellness & Balance Consult | $50
Review fitness program, exercise regimen, as Heather presents areas to focus on in order to build strength in the horse, and balance the horse's body.
Discuss nutritional and exercise program to help your horse perform at his best.

Horse Purchase or Sales Consult
Finding the right horse or re-homing your horse can be incredibly taxing! So many details to consider. What type of horse is best for you? What is your budget?
Heather can leverage her long-withstanding horse purchase and sales program and expertise to help you make the best decision for your future in horsemanship.